Sometimes some folders may grow so large that they become difficult to manage or share, as it is the case of my downloads folder. Folder Axe is intended to split large folders according to specified criteria. Versatility is certainly not among this program’s advantages as everything it does is slicing folders. Nevertheless, it is capable of doing its sole function very well.
This application’s interface is easy to use. However, in my opinion, the log panel should only appear if the user requests it. It may surely add an air of sophistication to please computer junkies but it will also complicate this application unnecessarily.
As mentioned above, this small application will apply smart procedures to split a definite folder. In this respect, you will be able to specify the number of files you want to include in each output folder. Also, folders can be split to create child folders of a given size. Another method will be to create new folders that will be named according to the first characters of the contained files. In this regard, you may specify the number of initial characters to take into consideration while splitting. If you decide to split the folder by file type, the program will distribute the files according to their types in folders that have the extension as a name. Very similarly, splitting by file group will create folders and name them according to the type of files they contain, for instance “images” and “music”. However, all files with unrecognized extensions will be added to the miscellaneous folder. Finally, you can also split according to the date property.
Additional options will allow you to include files in subfolders, compressing the resulting folders and protecting them by password as well as setting the name scheme for the resulting folders. Moreover, you can decide whether you want the files to be moved or copied, and if you are not pleased with results, there is always an option to undo the procedure.
In general, Folder Axe is an intuitive and smart application. As it is free and small, it will cost you nothing to keep it at hand in case you need to split large folders some time.